About a month ago, one of my children suffered a minor burn. I realized that we didn’t have any burn salve on hand, but… I did have LOTS of Calendula and Olive oil.

Cut to today, I had a patient reschedule their appointment which left me with a free afternoon. My calendula oil has finally finished its infusion process and was ready to decant, but… There was a bit of oil that wouldn’t fit into my beautifully repurposed oil bottle so…
I repurposed a couple of glass pots,
added some beeswax (of which I also have LOTS)
and now
not only do I have calendula oil which would have worked fine in my first aid pantry
but also
calendula salve which will be much more portable/easy to apply and which also doubles as a lip balm (go figure!).

Bonus: I made two so I have one to give away ☺️
What a lovely afternoon of spontaneous medicine making 😌
UPDATE: The little one had an earache recently and I was able to use a little of this oil warmed to ease her symptoms